Our previous journey: Kuwait

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Red Planet 2009

by : Pinot

Winter kali ini lebih cepat daripada tahun lalu. Badai debu pasir pun datang lebih awal. Jika tahun lalu hadir di akhir bulan Maret, kali ini mampir lebih maju di bulan Februari. Dan, umur kehadirannya lebih lama, satu hari satu malam udara Kuwait ngga enak buat bernafas.

Kabarnya, kegiatan export minyak Kuwait terganggu akibat badai ini. Ministry of Interior Kuwait pun mengirimkan SMS ke masyarakat :

Keep your lights on so other drivers can see you. Don't use the Hazard lights while driving. Slow down and keep a safe distance from the car in front of you

Menurut peramalan 'ahli nujum' cuaca, hujan debu pasir ini masih berlangsung hingga hari Minggu XP

Laporan di Twitter :

2009-02-11 06:35:09
pinot: http://twitpic.com/1fhf7 - Mystical blowing dust & sand, mix with fog, 15˚C

2009-02-11 07:43:15
pinot: http://twitpic.com/1fhvo - Mr Golden Sun covered by dust. 18˚C with 30km/h wind gust

2009-02-11 08:27:09
pinot: http://twitpic.com/1fi7b - Thick sand storm!

2009-02-11 08:32:15
pinot: RT @nibaq: We are facing desert fubuki in Kuwait. http://desertfubuki.com/

2009-02-11 08:42:03
pinot: I think, this is worst & thicker than last year http://tinyurl.com/aek9jc

2009-02-11 08:48:08
pinot: http://twitpic.com/1fice - Thick sand storm at 18˚C with 55 km/h wind speed!

2009-02-11 09:02:10
pinot: In clear sky we can see Jaber Stadium in the distance, but now, we can't even see the mosque http://twitpic.com/1fiff

2009-02-11 09:42:32
pinot: http://twitpic.com/1fiou - Orange-red sand storm outside

2009-02-11 09:55:51
pinot: RT @pendolino: dust day in Kuwait. http://twitpic.com/1fip0

2009-02-11 10:09:06
pinot: Short video of Kuwait sand storm today http://qik.com/video/1016478

2009-02-11 12:13:02
pinot: My wife, @ditut, took the picture of sand storm in Kuwait with proper DSLR camera, Canon 350D http://www.twitpic.com/1fjgt

2009-02-11 16:45:35
pinot: http://twitpic.com/1fmv0 - Get prepare for the next dusty day at Sunday >.<

2009-02-11 17:15:28
pinot: Going home. Still freaky dusty at 20:14 with 18C http://twitpic.com/1fndf

Related stories :
- Dusty Spingfield 2008
- Red Planet 2008

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