Our previous journey: Kuwait

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Mamin Di Bazaar Magazine Kuwait

"Food photography should tell a story & make people taste the delicious food by merely looking at the photo. So, it is also about the table setting, props, food styling, light and mood. It is about the atmosphere that depicts the mood & message of the pho

Mamin kembali mendapatkan kesempatan diwawancara majalah di Kuwait. Setelah sebelumnya majalah lifestyle CITY, kali ini majalah Bazaar terbitan Kuwait. Lingkup wawancaranya berkisar tentang food photography, food blogging dan kehidupan kreatif dalam keluarga. Selengkapnya bisa baca di sini.

Sedikit kutipan dari wawancara mamin di halaman 32 majalah Bazaar Kuwait tentang Food Photography :
"Food photography should tell a story & make people taste the delicious food by merely looking at the photo. So it also about the table setting, props, food styling, light and mood. It is about the atmosphere that depicts the mood & message of the photograph. It's art."

Bangga rasanya bisa membawa nama Indonesia di bidang kreatif, terutama di Kuwait sini yang rata-rata masih memandang rendah migran dari Indonesia. Dan senang rasanya bisa turut ambil bagian dan memberikan sumbangan pada kehidupan kreatif di Kuwait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mantap mbak Dita.. Salut euy.. Semoga sukses selalu di tempat baru..